fiction technique - signposting issues in writing

Writing technique – signposting issues in fiction

Signposting issues in writing are a common difference between work by beginning writers and that of expert self-editors. Often, new authors are so excited by their fiction world that they forget to paint clear pictures for the reader. Reader who get confused will drift away. Usually, this happens because the writer tries to cover too…

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creative writing - muse or method?

Creative writing – muse or method?

The creative writing muse is mysterious. If you want to write for a living, you can’t leave it up to a capricious supernatural creature who may not deliver the goods! You need powerful strategies so that you can write productively, quickly and effectively, and not burn out. I’ve worked professionally as a journalist, scriptwriter and…

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writing tips - how to make fiction characters visible

Writing tips: make your fiction characters visible

Fiction characters need to be brought to life. But how? First, get the basics right – help readers to SEE your characters. Here are some tips on visual description and how to keep characters alive in the mind’s eye. In many fiction drafts, the characters don’t come to life and remain blurry or even invisible…

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writing tips from improv theatre - offers and deadballs

Writing tips from improv theatre – offers and deadballs

Improv comedy has some great techniques for writers. Flow and momentum are crucial in improv, just as in writing. Here are some *gold* writing and editing tips taken from improv and drama. I’m so in awe of improv artists. It’s such a risky, pressurised performance, and you’re horribly exposed if things go wrong. I know…

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25 signs you've outgrown your writers' group

25 danger signs you’ve outgrown your creative writing group

A writers’ group is great when you’re starting out, but they can come with hidden dangers. If you’re ambitious and have professional aspirations for your creative writing, you need to stay fiendishly sharp, and challenge yourself with the best. Is your writers’ group on the same wavelength? Or safe and complacent? Writers’ group danger signs…

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camera shots in fiction technique - full shot

Advanced fiction techniques: camera shots FULL

Camera shots in fiction technique can help authors to write viewpoint far more effectively. When you imagine scenes through a camera lens, they help you to keep the POV consistent, and lead the reader more smoothly into your story. Here are some ways to handle point-of-view using full-body shots. This is an excerpt from Dramatic…

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sensory writing - sounds and music

Sensory writing – sounds, music

This article on sensory writing and sounds explains the relationship between writing and musical effects such as onomatopoeia. How can you write with sounds, and not just about them? Use acoustic effects such as rhythm and everyday onomatopoeia to help evoke sounds in your fiction world, create patterns, and heighten emotion. Here are some ways…

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5 quick ways to create creative writing prompts

5 quick ways to make your own creative writing prompts

If you’re looking for creative writing prompts to start off your own or student writing, there’s no need to search online – here’s how to make your own, and enjoy the fun of randomness! Creative Writing Prompts 1 – PICK UP A BOOK Pick up any book, open it at a random page (shut your…

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character motivation wants and stakes

Character motivation – wants and stakes

Character motivation, wants, burning desires… they help to drive characters through your story. Creative writers use them to create powerful dramatic action and the momentum and tension that readers enjoy. But what about the shadow side of motivation – what characters don’t want? These negative drives are called stakes, and they’re just as powerful. With…

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how writing with objects can power up your fiction

How writing with objects can power up your fiction 2

Why is writing with objects so powerful in creative writing? Physical Objects Part 1 looks at how you can use verbs with objects, to brainstorm story and character ideas. Part 2 goes deeper, and describes different kinds and scales of objects, and ways to explore their potential. If you’re interested in this writing topic, see…

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