Method Writing

Practical handbooks to take your writing to the next level

Method Writing craft books

Method Writing books are practical handbooks for advanced creative writers

They bridge the gap between creative writing and the professional writing industries, with proven techniques used in journalism, scriptwriting, copywriting, dramatic writing, fiction and radio. Give your writing an extra edge with the Method Writing book series!

Writing Craft Series

  • Dramatic Techniques for Creative Writers by Jules Horne

    Ready to take your creative writing craft up a gear? Discover dramatic techniques.

  • How to Launch a Freelance Copywriting Business by Jules Horne

    Want to put your words to work? Find out how with this practical handbook.

  • Writing for Audiobooks by Jules Horne

    Interested in publishing an audiobook? Learn radio writing tips to make your script shine.

Writing Workbooks

  • How to Launch a Freelance Copywriting Business - Companion Workbook by Jules Horne

    Companion workbook with step-by-step tasks and actions to help you avoid overwhelm.

Writing Mini Guides

  • Copywriting for Creative Writers mini guide by Jules Horne

    Writing business mini-guide on how to transfer your creative writing skills to business copy.

  • Self-Publishing for Traditionally Published Authors by Jules Horne

    Writing business mini-guide giving a practical overview of the pros and cons of indie publishing.